La Lima mines route

The Lima Mines route is an adventure route in which the economic base of the town is revealed during the years of mining exploitation, in addition to the flora and fauna of the area. 

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Attention: It is a route with a guided tour of a private estate, and at this time there is NO possibility of doing it on your own.


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One of the keys that make this a unique experience is the recent opening of the site, closed to the public since 1958 and which is not possible to access independently.


A product designed for all audiences in which we will enjoy an adventure in nature while We approach the rural way of life and the culture of the Sierra Morena region of Seville

The values of conservation of the natural environment, gastronomy and the history of our region told from the experience of local guides make this route a necessary experience to understand and delve into the roots of this paradise.

You will take a circular and exclusive route, of medium level, with 9 km long and a positive accumulated slope of 350 meters.


This is an adventure route in El Pedroso, within the Sierra Norte Natural Park/Geopark of Seville, and has an estimated duration of 4 hours.


On the trail to the La Lima mines you can learn notions about the economic history of El Pedroso and the area a century ago, when the excavations of the La Lima mine began, which made the town become a prosperous place in an attempt to industrial development of the area.


During the way to the Lima mines you will also learn curiosities about the flora and fauna of this area of the Sierra Norte Natural Park/Geopark of Seville and about other declarations of tourist interest that affect the territory such as the Starlight Biosphere Reserve of the UNESCO, for the quality of the sky that covers us.


In the different mines that we visited we can identify the following minerals: Oligisto, Magnetite, Hematite, Limestone, Slate, Quartz, Malachite... and oxides: Limonite, Goethite, Copper Sulfate. An experience for geology lovers. 


In addition to finding fauna of all kinds, such as bats, spiders and many more attractions of this dark world.



On the farm, during the climb up Cerro La Lima, you will have wonderful views of the Sierra Norte of Seville and El Pedroso, encountering the first vestiges of what was once a old mining operation until the middle of the last century: the unloading station, galleries (passable in some cases) and explanations about the extraction of the material, iron, at the height of this industry in the last century.


It is time to return to the town to replenish energy by enjoying its gastronomy to continue with a cultural visit in which to learn first-hand about the treasures of El Pedroso.



1.La Lima private property entrance

2.Mine 1

3.Mine 2

4.Mine 3

5.Mine 4

6.Mine 5

7.Cerro de La Lima

From the Hill you can enjoy spectacular views of the Sierra Norte and the plains of the Guadalquivir valley, and even see towns like Carmona or Castiblanco.


We highlight the galleries of:

The Priest's Well


Elorza Gallery


This last gallery is one of the most amazing places in this labyrinthine network of cavities under the mountain, where there are layers of minerals at the top, which are washed away with rainwater and become embedded and giving color to the walls: with malachite, iron sulfate, oxidized pyrite.


In addition, there are 3 observatories on the farm.


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If you want to know more about the route and see the exact itinerary, click on the following link.


See more about the route itinerary on Wikiloc



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